Koththu Roti
(How to prepare Koththu Parotta/Koththu Roti in Sri Lanka)
Kothu roti is made from Gothamba roti and vegetables, eggs, or meat and various spices. It is a delicious meal generally eaten at dinner time. Apart from the commonest form of Kothu with meat, eggs or vegetables a newer variety with cheese has been introduced. The Gothamba roti is cut or chopped with the use of two metal blades on wooden handles held on both hands on this sheet or skillet. The clashing of metal blades and the skillet creates a very distinctive musical sound which kind of announces the making of this Kothu to the passersby. This can be made using Parotta and that is how this is made in South India where Parotta is popular as with Gothamba roti in Sri Lanka. The ingredients and method are the same as for Kothu roti using Gothamba roti.
1) Parotta finely chopped (Godamba roti)- 42) Onion finely chopped - 1
3) Tomatto finely chopped - 1
4) Curry Leaves - 15
5) Chilli - 2
6) Pepper Powder - 1
7) Chilli Powder - 1/4 spoon
8) Salt to taste
9) Scrambled Eggs - 3
10) Turmeric Powder - 1 pinch